Underground Utilities

Siteworks maintains an unlimited utility construction license in the state of South Carolina and follows the Ten State Standard for all utility construction.


Our team performs all aspects of utility installation including:

Storm Drainage

Stormwater runoff is generated primarily from rain events that flow over land or impervious surfaces such as roads, parking lots, and building rooftops, and does not infiltrate back into the ground. This runoff picks up pollutants and debris that can harm natural water resources. To protect these resources, developments utilize engineered systems of pre-cast structures and pipe that capture this runoff and direct it offsite. Furthermore, stormwater management designs may include detention areas, either daylighted or subsurface, that filter out pollutants by controlling it at its source before it leaves the site.

Sanitary Sewer

Sanitary sewers are intricate underground systems of pipe and pre-cast structures, separate from storm drainage systems, that carry effluent or industrial wastewater from buildings and developments to wastewater treatment plants. These systems may either be unpressurized gravity flowing, or a force main system that is pressurized at a pump station, or a combination of the two. Newly constructed systems routinely undergo extensive testing, inspections, and cleaning prior to a building’s occupancy.

Facility Water and Fire

From connecting to an existing water main to running domestic water laterals, the installation of a complete water and fire distribution system not only requires extensive expertise, but also strict adherence to local regulations, codes, and ordinances. All water systems must pass rigorous testing, inspections, and chlorination before becoming active.